Christian Faith

As an Anglican school our Christian faith shapes the context in which our girls are nurtured as curious inquirers, compassionate leaders and women of integrity.

A Christian Education

Everything that we do at Roseville College is guided by four convictions that honour the faith of our school and our calling as educators.  

We believe that each person is known, loved and called by God. 

Every member of our community is upheld with high esteem, understanding themselves and others to be made with care by a God who loves them. 

We believe in the truth of God’s Word.

The Bible is a regular part of school life, studied in weekly Chapel and Christian Studies classes as a source of truth, hope and wisdom.

We share a message of beauty, goodness, and hope.

The faith of our school is always optimistic, inviting students to engage with the world not only as it is, but as it could be.

We uphold academic rigor. 

Christianity is explored in the context of learning; with a focus on curiosity and an openness to challenge. Our classrooms are spaces of discussion, debate, and genuine investigation.

Enrolling your daughter

at Roseville College