Roseville College Parent Association
The Roseville College Parents’ Association (RCPA) is a vibrant part of our school community. We encourage and support parents to play an active role in the life of the school, knowing the benefits this has for our students, their families and our whole community.
The RCPA is a volunteer group made up of parent representatives who actively engage with all parents in the Roseville College community. The RCPA operates under the authority and discretion of the Principal and is supported by the Director of Development and Community Engagement and the Community Relations Manager.
The RCPA enables parent engagement with the College community as a whole through organising events, activities and programs, and through holding regular RCPA meetings (generally once a term). Our strong Class Parent Network also organises social and friend-raising events for their child’s respective classes and year groups.
RCPA Committee
The RCPA Committee assists the College in the administration and management of the RCPA and its activities. It also provides feedback and recommendations to the Principal on matters arising through the RCPA. The Committee is not a decision-making body.
The Committee comprises the following elected office bearers:
- President
- Vice President
- Junior School Representative
- Senior School Representative.
RCPA Volunteers
RCPA volunteers greatly enhance life at Roseville College by participating in a range of activities. These include: being a class parent, participating in education programs to support our girls, supporting extra-curricular opportunities (such as rowing or debating), marshalling and helping at school events and carnivals, or preparing frozen meals for families in times of distress.
At Roseville College, the safety and welfare of our students is paramount. The School requires all adults volunteering on campus to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC).
For all RCPA queries and to learn about current opportunities for participation – and areas at school that welcome parent involvement – please contact:
Community Relations Manager [email protected]