The Roseville College Foundation

There is great potential in every gift.

The Roseville College Foundation seeks to foster a culture of philanthropy in our community and to raise funds for the benefit of the School. Founded in 1997, the Foundation is administered under the auspices of The Anglican Schools Corporation’s tax deductible gift status.

Financial gifts have been a feature of the College since its earliest years. The first known bequest to Roseville Girls College was specifically to discharge a longstanding mortgage of the School’s first building, Hinemoan Cottage. The bequest was a provision in the will of our founder, Miss Isobel Davies, who was also the College’s first and longest-serving Headmistress. 

We know that there is great potential in every gift. The College deeply appreciates each family and each individual who has contributed to the College financially. Their generosity has had, and continues to have, a lasting impact on our School.

Give a Gift

Current Foundation Members

Jen Meek

Past parent and member of the Roseville College Council

Joanne Sarmiento

Current parent

Luis Sarmiento

Current parent

Vanessa Shuetrim

Current parent

Denise Bell

Current Parent, Alumni

Kate Hancock

Current Parent


Enquiries concerning The Foundation or gifts and bequests can be made by contacting:

Ms Margot Gould, Director of Development and Community Engagement

Email | [email protected]

Main Reception | +61 2 9884 1100