Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to this section for a range of frequently asked questions about enrolments. If your query isn’t answered or you would like further information, please contact the Enrolments office.
If my daughter is offered a confirmed place, does that mean she is on a waitlist?
No. If your daughter is offered a confirmed place, and it is accepted and the Acceptance fee is paid, it is hers as long as the Finalisation Fee is paid two years prior to commencement. The Enrolments office contacts families at this time to request the place be finalised via this payment.
Once all confirmed places for a particular year group have been filled, any subsequent enrolment applications received will be placed onto a waitlist, or offered a confirmed place in a later year of entry (as applicable). Students who have a waitlisted status are ranked by date of application, but the College reserves the right to prioritise applications of relatives of Old Girls, siblings and daughters of Anglican clergy.
What documents do I need to provide to apply for enrolment?
Please refer to the Apply Now page for a list of mandatory documents.
I am an alumni of the College. Does this give my daughter any prioritisation in the enrolment process?
Roseville College is proud of its graduates, and our alumni are an important part of our community. The number of alumni who return to the school as coaches, parents and teachers is testimony to the School’s enduring values of community and strong relationships.
Daughters or granddaughters of alumni are waived the Application fee. And should we be unable to offer your daughter a confirmed place at the time of submitting your enrolment application, she will be waitlisted with a priority status.
Find out more about keeping in touch as an alumni.
Does my daughter need to sit an entrance test to be accepted into the College?
No, an entrance test is not part of our enrolment process as we are a non-selective school.
We do, however, have all girls (entering into Year 7 and above) sit academic testing prior to commencing at the College (typically in Term 4 of the year before they join).
This data allows us to make informed decisions about class placement, and is used in conjunction with (current) school reports and/or Naplan reports (as applicable) that parents will be asked to provide.
Our family is not Anglican or Christian. Can our daughter still enrol at the College?
While Roseville College is very proud of its Anglican heritage and all girls must attend chapel and a Christian Studies class weekly, we are also very much an inclusive school with a diverse demographic base. Therefore, all families are welcome to submit applications, regardless of their faith background. But it is an expectation that students and parents be supportive of the College’s philosophy and principles.
Does Roseville College offer scholarships?
Yes, Roseville College offers a number of merit-based scholarships each year including Academic, All-Rounder and Music scholarships. For more information, please refer to the Scholarships page. We also offer a means-tested Foundation Scholarship. For all of these scholarships, only external students are eligible to apply.
Single-sex vs co-educational environment – which should I choose for my daughter?
There are many factors to consider when choosing your daughter’s school, and an obvious one is whether to send her to a co-ed school or to a girls-only school.
Research shows that there are multiple positive outcomes when girls are in a single-sex environment.
Girls tend to feel more comfortable, self-assured and supported in an all-girls environment. This encourages greater participation in academic and co-curricular activities, the ability to take healthy risks, and feel (somewhat) freer from social pressure. This in turn leads to greater confidence, and stronger academic performance.
For more information about the benefits of a single-sex school, please visit the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia
Is before and after-school care available?
Yes. In our Junior School, CommunityOSH runs a before and after-school care program which is available for girls from Preparatory to Year 6, and all girls are able to secure a place. It is operational from 7.00am–8.10am and 3.30pm–6.00pm each school day. Recreational activities and homework supervision are provided.
For our Senior girls, the library is open (and supervised) from 7.30am Monday to Friday (school begins at 8.30am) and closes at 6.00pm Monday to Thursday (on Fridays it closes at 4.00pm).
Does the College have school buses for transporting girls to and from school?
Currently the College has one school bus route. This route services the Killarney Heights, Forestville, Frenchs Forest, and then through to Seaforth, North Balgowlah and Balgowlah Heights. For information on pricing and bus route, please click HERE.
For those families that live close to the North Shore train line, the College is a convenient 5-minute walk from Roseville Station.
For students who don’t live on the train line, we are located on a number of major bus routes, including those that travel along Bancroft Avenue, Archbold Road and Boundary Street.