Learning Festival Success
25 May 2019
The Festival celebrates “Learning for Purpose” by girls in Kindergarten to Year 12, with more than one hundred different displays and activities on the afternoon’s program. The Festival is hosted by students and their teachers, who are excited to show visitors, including family, friends and fellow students, what they are doing at Roseville College each day, and to demonstrate the reason and purpose behind it.
“It was a delight and privilege to welcome visitors to our campus for a fun and engaging afternoon to connect with the learning and efforts of our students,” says Principal Ms Deb Magill, who added that the program included a wide variety of exhibitions, recitals, performances, demonstrations, workshops and presentations across five precincts of learning: STEAM*, the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Performing Arts, Sports and Wellbeing, and the Junior School.
“Each year, our staff report countless comments from adults who wish they could return to school and experience the calibre of learning that our Roseville girls enjoy every day,” she says. “At Roseville College, each girl truly matters – in her learning and her wellbeing.”