
Discovering passions and purpose

Roseville College’s culture of participation encourages students to try new things. Our co-curricular program provides a wide range of opportunities for girls from Kindergarten to Year 12 to participate in extracurricular activities that cater for a diverse range of talents and interests.

Cocurricular Clubs

Anime and Manga Club
Art Club
Book Club
Chess Club
Da Vinci Day
Digital Media Club
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme
Hypatia Club
IGSA Festival of Speech
Languages Club
Maths Olympiad
Mock Trial
Model United Nations Assembly MUNA
Photography Club
Planet A Sustainability Club
Rosie Bee Kind
Science Club
Shakespeare Carnival
Tech Crew
TED-Ed Club
Theatre Group
Theatre Sports
Tournament of Minds
Visual Arts Club
Write a Book in a Day
Writer's Club
ZEST Projects

Passionate about sport

Roseville College offers an extensive sports program that encourages students of all abilities to participate in and enjoy sport. Our culture of participation encourages students to take part in physical activity and supports their physical fitness as they develop their sporting skills.