HSC Outcomes 2020

Roseville College Publications

The Higher School Certificate (HSC) results released today are worthy of celebration – a celebration of academic effort and success of our Year 12 class of 2020, but more, they serve as a resounding tribute to each girl for her effort, determination and resilience in a year of unexpected disruption and challenge.

The 2020 HSC results reflect outstanding achievement by graduates across all subject areas.

We celebrate the excellent results and the effort of every student who has tried her very best. I am especially delighted to announce that our students have received an incredible 268 pre-ATAR University Early Admission Offers. This continues a strong trend for Roseville students and reflects the ability, character and service record of our girls – they are highly sought after.

To our Class of 2020, I warmly commended you. You have proven yourselves this year to be remarkable women, gifted with tenacity, agility, purpose and hope. You have been equipped with a good education. Now; live, learn and serve to the very best of your ability.

To parents and families of our Class of 2020, you have shown unwavering support throughout an unpredictable year. It is our prayer that your daughter’s time at Roseville College lays a firm foundation on which she continues to build. We are thankful for your partnership.

As we celebrate the success of our students, we also acknowledge the expertise and care of our Roseville College teachers. I extend my heartfelt thanks to each one for sharing their knowledge, skills and expertise – and, above all, their love of learning. Moreover, I thank them for knowing and caring for each girl.

Our graduating students now enter into the most exciting phase of “what next”. While gap year or travel plans may have changed, what remains is the start of a new phase of life beyond the school gates and the blessing of the learning, friendships and memories you take with you.

Congratulations Class of 2020. We are thankful to God for each one of you, and pray for your protection and safe keeping in whatever adventure is to come.