Our school crest over time

Like many schools, Roseville College has refined and changed its crest over time to best reflect the College’s values, purpose and motto so as to remain current.
Established in 1908 as Roseville Girls College, our earliest design was represented as “RGC”, later incorporated into a scroll design.
The first crest came in 1952. Essential in the design were symbols of a book, joined hands and ears of wheat, respectively representing the Christian values of truth, love and hope. Each was also symbolic of education: the book to represent learning and knowledge – and also the Bible as God’s word; the hands to represent friendship, collaboration and service; and the wheat to represent growth, excellence and victory.
The crest also contained the Latin motto introduced by founding Headmistress Miss Isobel Davies, Labor Omnia Vincit. This motto was later changed to Veritas Omnia Vincit – Truth Conquers All in 2015.
Over the decades, the Roseville College crest has been updated a number of times with variations in colour and design, while retaining a consistent visual thread throughout the years.
Details about the refreshed design
We are delighted to reveal our refreshed crest which retains and unites the heritage features together in a contemporary modern design that personifies and continues the Roseville College story.
The distinctive Roseville ‘R’ is celebrated in a new font for Roseville College, inspired by our very first ‘R’ as a nod to our more than a century history. The return of our heritage blue, characteristic of the first design in 1952, ties the crest to our history over generations.
The shield is uncluttered, belted with our Latin motto, Veritas Omini Vincit (Truth Conquers All), and it frames the symbols that represent our values of a book (truth) and joined hands (love). The shield is upheld by ears of wheat (hope).
These enduring values: truth, love and hope sit at our heart. They underpin our purpose and guide us in our learning, living and faith journey.